Mundo Sano Foundation announces the “XX International Symposium on Neglected Diseases”, to be held on November 2-4, 2021.

In the COVID-19 pandemic context, this twentieth edition of the Symposium will be held online; leading national and international figures will be present, who will address the real situation of neglected tropical diseases (NTDs) from the perspectives of international cooperation and health-oriented research, in line with the new Road map for World Health Organization (WHO) NTD 2021-2030.

The current crisis driven by the novel coronavirus has shown the importance of not neglecting the NTDs; this group of 20 diseases affect more than one million people, mainly vulnerable populations, and thrive in areas with poor access to quality health services, clean water and sanitation.

At a time when everything is being rethought, the Symposium will also provide a space for putting forward strategies and proposals to measure the real impact of public policies.

Call for Virtual Scientific Posters

Mundo Sano invites researchers, professionals and technicians to present scientific works until tuesday, august 17 at

Scientific papers can be submitted in the following fields: Clinical Medicine and Immunology, Diagnosis and Treatment, Health Education, Epidemiology, Anthropological and Social Studies, Biological Studies, Pharmacology, Prevention and Control Tools, Public Health, and Access to Health and Health Care Models.

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