In response to the current global health emergency situation, Mundo Sano Foundation has joined different initiatives aimed at finding solutions to face the Covid-19 pandemic. Some of these initiatives are detailed below:

The launch of the ‘COVID-19 Clinical Research Coalition’, with the participation of Mundo Sano, was published in Lancet

Along with more than 70 renowned international scientific and medical institutions, Mundo Sano supported the formation of an international coalition to respond to COVID-19 through research in resource-limited countries.

The initiative was launched with the aim of working in coordination to speed up research on COVID-19 in those areas where the virus might cause great damage due to fragile health systems and have a strong impact on the health of vulnerable populations.

The coalition intends to facilitate a coordinated strategy to collect data from all regions in a similar manner, pooled and shared in real time. This will help countries and the WHO to make rapid evidence-based decision.

For further details:


We implemented a model to address the epidemic in San Antonio de Areco, Buenos Aires province, along with the University of Buenos Aires and ADeSaR

A model for improving health management in response to COVID19 emergency was developed along with “Emilio Zerboni” Municipal Hospital, the Municipality of San Antonio de Areco, ADeSaR, and the University of Buenos Aires.

The project plans to establish close surveillance for early determination of the number and type of inhabitants that are positive for SARS-CoV-2, identifying the rates of incidence and prevalence in a longitudinal analysis as well as the use of low- and high-level health resources. This would also allow us to determine the rate of asymptomatic cases and the groups and activities that pose a risk for infection and eventual development of the disease.

This municipal-scale proposal will allow us to know the temporal-spatial dynamics of transmission of this viral disease in San Antonio de Areco district, Buenos Aires province.


Treatment with ivermectin to reduce SARS-Cov-2 replication at early COVID-19 stages:

In response to the lack of treatment of proven efficacy to address COVID 19 infection, there is a need to advance in the study of unproven treatment interventions for which there are observations or signs suggesting they could be a potential option for treatment and care of infected persons.

Those interventions must be subjected to scientific research to evaluate their safety and efficacy, in a guaranteed ethical and scientific frame.

In this case, a pilot study will be conducted with the aim of evaluating the efficacy of treatment with ivermectin to reduce the viral load in patients infected with COVID19.

This study is conducted along with Elea-Phoenix Laboratory, the Tandil Veterinary Research Center (CIVETAN), National University of Quilmes, “Prof. Dr. Juan P. Garrahan” Hospital, CEMIC, and National University of Salta.

Ivermectin (IVM) is a widely used antihelminthic drug in human and veterinary medicine, with millions of doses administered annually through mass drug administration programs of the World Health Organization (WHO) (WHO – 2016).

We are collaborating in pandemic-related activities

In addition, Mundo Sano, along with several partners, is collaborating in projects for the development of technological tools and apps to monitor and track potentially infected people so that they can be assisted and the community transmission risk can be mitigated.

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